For the next 180 days, over $16 Million (US) per day, or just about $3 Billion (US), that's:
Three Thousand Million Dollars give or take a few million.
The world is up in arms, something must be done- off with their heads, and all that...
Source: May 11, 2010 Daily Mail, Rupert Steiner
But of course the spill has not been handled, and BP has new numbers as of May 18: $35 Million (US) per day, or $6.3 Billion (US) in 180 days [and climbing if they do not fix it] Source: May 18, 2010, Steve Gelsi, MarketWatch
From 2005 to 2009, the 5 year average Gross Income of BP PLC was about: $46 Billion (US Assumed) or a Daily Gross Income of: $124 Million avg over 5 years. Which nets out their Daily Gross after the spill to a measly, miniscule, $NINETY MILLION DOLLARS PER DAY... $90 Million (US Assumed)
Source: Daily Finance
The world is up in arms, something must be done- off with their heads, and all that...
Now, BP could cry "Uncle! Too Big To Fail!" and Obama and Congress could write the check on behalf of the American People for the $6.3 Billion it may become in total...
That's about $21 (US) for every Man, Woman, and Child in the United States. Got $21?
The world is up in arms, something must be done- off with their heads, and all that...
Meanwhile back at Pennsylvania Avenue...
Calculated down to the exact penny, the debt totaled $13,050,826,460,886.97 as of Tuesday, leaping nearly $60 billion since Friday, the previous day for which figures were released.
At $13 trillion, that figure has risen by $2.4 trillion in about 500 days since President Obama took office, or an average of $4.9 billion a day. That's almost three times the daily average of $1.7 billion under the previous administration, and led Republicans on Wednesday to place blame squarely at the feet of Mr. Obama and his fellow Democrats.
- Source: June 2, 2010 Stephan Dinan, Washington Times
Which means that by order of magnitude, The ObamaDebtSpill costs in 1 day, what BP will spend in 180 days or more on the cleanup.
That's about $45,000 for every single man, woman, and child in the United States, and the DebtSpill is still climbing. Got $45,000?
The Silence from the People of the United States is Deafening...
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