Got a government number? Share it.
The use of Social Security Numbers, Passport Numbers, Tax ID Numbers, Employer Identification Numbers, Drivers License Numbers, License Plates, State ID Numbers, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Email addresses, IP addresses, MAC addresses, VISA and Mastercard and other numbers serves for one primary purpose above all else- to track and render subordinate every individual in the world to the
government that claims them as its subject. These subordinates have no real human rights that cannot be tazed, shot, renditioned or taxed away. Their property, fully paid, without mortgage, has no allodial title, but is fee simple and can be seized for non-payment of tribute, or simply taken for political purposes. Worse still, technology is making it harder and harder for individuals to maintain private lives, conduct private conversations, transact private business, or otherwise remain untraced, unrecorded, from public view or government view.
It would be one thing, if each and every party an individual interacted with, using a number to track transactions, was unique to their interests. Even still, in that best case, the government still demands, even without search warrant or probable cause, the surrender to “authorities” sensitive, private information about you. Worse, private corporations have learned all too well, that they can know, and store everyone's personal information. Stop and think for a moment what that popular search engine and free email provider know about you already. Would you have sat there in the CEO's office and said all of it to his face? What about dear Uncle Sam?
Is it too late? Is privacy dead?
Not yet.
Think gnutella
Think virtual phone number, pre-paid phones
Think Jason Bourne
Think GPL
Think foreign corporations
Think identity theft upside down
It's illegal to steal information. But it can never be illegal to share it. In fact, if it became illegal to share it, all transactions would stop. You apply your government ID to a sort of GPL, a general public license to use.
Open up your bank statement, your credit card statement, your ez-pass account- what do you see? You are on the grid. Your behaviors financial and otherwise are known. You can't or don't pay cash for everything, and most keep very little cash in their pockets today. Got a gun license? On a no-fly list? Privacy is not about criminal behavior- if it was, psychiatrists would be out of work, and diaries would be illegal.
Think of it like this- in a world of street cameras, facial recognition can easily identify the few people in off hours- but crowds can be harder to differentiate.
It's time to take personal privacy private. All government identifiers freely shared between willing participants around the globe. That means you allow others who you do not know, to use your government numbers. This is the price you pay for using someone else's.
Now- there is a strategy. Computer viruses are tracked and large deployments are called storms. Natural viruses have clusters of affected areas. Before outbreaks go nationwide they are regional. This is how this system will also work. Why? Because too many outliers can pinpoint a problem. We do not want the behavior curtailed before it has had its intended effect: the complete unreliability and undependability of government identifiers.
When everyone can say about their social security number, that most of the records in that number have nothing to do with them, that each separate instance was randomly involving someone else, then they become unworthy, When drivers licenses become used by others they become unworthy. When passports become used by others they are unworthy. They can't kill us all and they can't put us all away. The sharing of this information willfully is not a crime.
We will achieve un-know-ability by government and corporations.
We will be private people once more. Able to produce private means of business and personal relationship. When the government can't depend on its own numbers to tax or spend on its subjects, we will no longer be its subjects. We will truly be free.
Just as is targeting the most vulnerable corporations, we need to be smart about it. We may not be able to implement across the board obfuscation. We simply need to work down the list in order of priority- sort of like the debt snowball- as a group we work in concert to trade a certain identifier until it is unworthy, then move to the next. We cannot simply pair-up to keep using the same alternate number- it must be random. Eventually, even with new laws on the books every day, this will
be unstoppable.
Start now.
*We are not encouraging or condoning Identity Theft- which involves the stealing of a number without the owner's knowledge- rather, we are encouraging willful transactional allowance for use. In other words, you grant permission for your ID to be used by another individual. You are not responsible for their actions, and take no liability. You do not even know who is using it at any moment. Libertarian principles apply: First, Do No Harm. Private Property Rights. No one gets a list.
Shopping outside the country is now a crime.
Johnathan Turley
Professor of Law at Georgetown
Future of Freedom Foundation 2008 Conference
The Rapid Decline of Privacy in America
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